A hair transplant is a surgical procedure that helps men and women with balding or thinning hair by moving healthy, growing hair follicles from areas of thick growth to bald or thinning parts of the scalp. The results can boost your hair density and improve your natural hairline or crown.

A hair transplant can be performed on the head, beard or chest. Using this technique can help restore the appearance of a fuller, more natural-looking head of hair and can have long-term effects, particularly when combined with other hair loss treatments. 부산모발이식

A qualified and experienced hair transplant surgeon can perform a range of different techniques. A consultation with a reputable practitioner should take place before the surgery, and you should ask about their training and how many procedures they have carried out. It is also important to check whether they are a member of the General Medical Council (GMC).

During a hair transplant surgery, you will be given local anaesthesia and possibly sedation, and the surgeon will shave an area on your head that will act as the donor site. A small tool will then be used to extract hair follicles from the scalp.

The surgeon can either remove a strip of hair and close it back up or extract individual follicles one by one. The individual follicles are then inserted into small holes that are created in areas of the scalp that have balding or thin hair.

Once the follicles have been transplanted, they will need time to grow and take root. It is normal for the transplanted hair to fall out in the early stages, but it should grow back after a few months, and most people see the result of their hair transplant around a year later.

If you are a patient of a cosmetic surgeon, you should be able to contact them directly about any symptoms or problems that occur, and any concerns should be raised with the GMC.

Your doctor may recommend a blood test in addition to your hair transplant, which can check for certain hormones that affect the hair growth process. You should also inform your surgeon about any medications that you are taking, especially those that can affect clotting or cause bleeding.

In addition to the surgery, you should follow aftercare procedures to reduce the chance of infection and ensure that your grafts are protected from excessive rubbing, impacts and direct sunlight. A follow-up appointment should be made a day or two after the hair transplant, so your doctor can monitor your recovery.

A successful hair transplant can transform the look of your face and give you more confidence. But it’s important to have realistic expectations. A transplant won’t give you a full head of hair, and it could take up to nine months for the follicles to grow and mature.부산탈모병원