A hair transplant is a surgical treatment that replaces thinning or bald areas of the scalp with healthy, natural-looking new growth. It is typically performed on men and women experiencing moderate to severe hair loss. Recent years have yielded major advances in the field of hair restoration, with results far superior to the unnatural “hair plug” appearance common with treatments from decades ago. Today’s hair transplants are designed to achieve natural-looking, permanent results that create a fully restored hairline and fill in balding areas.부산모발이식

Hair loss can be a frustrating and debilitating experience for many people. For some, it affects their self-image and leads to poor self-esteem. While over-the-counter medications and other hair growth treatments may be helpful for some, for others they are not. For those who have suffered severe hair loss or thinning, a hair transplant can provide the most effective solution and restore lost hair.

Candidates for hair transplants should have sufficient hair density at the donor site to allow for a reasonable number of healthy new hair follicles to be moved into the thinning or balding area. This is why it is important to discuss your hair loss pattern, restoration goals and medical history with an experienced Bosley Physician during a free consultation.

To begin the procedure, the surgeon will clean the scalp and inject medicine to numb the area. Then they will use one of two techniques, follicular unit strip surgery (FUSS) or follicular unit extraction (FUE). In FUSS, the doctor removes a 6- to 10-inch strip of skin from the back of your head and sets it aside. The remaining bald or thin section of scalp is hidden by the existing hair. The surgeon will then either trim the strip or cut it into smaller pieces, called grafts. The grafts can range in size from small circular punch grafts that contain about 10-15 hairs to much smaller mini-grafts or micro-grafts, which contain only a few hairs each.

The grafts will then be transplanted to the thinning or balding area of the scalp. Depending on the technique used, this can be done in a single session or multiple sessions over several months. The surgeon will also likely recommend the use of a topical hair growth drug to promote healthy new hair growth.

Post-op care after a hair restoration is similar to that for any surgical treatment. Patients should avoid vigorous physical activity for seven days after surgery and take medication to minimize swelling. Some crusting or scabbing at the treatment sites is normal, but this typically disappears within several weeks to a few months. During this time, it is also important to protect the transplanted follicles from sun exposure by using a wide-brimmed hat or scarf.

It is important to note that a hair transplant is considered cosmetic surgery and as such, is not covered by most health insurance plans. However, if the procedure is needed to repair damage caused by burns or trauma, it may be eligible for some rebates from Medicare or private health insurance.부산탈모병원