Hair implant, also known as follicular unit transplantation (FUT), involves removing healthy hairs from a dense area of the scalp called the donor site and then placing them in bald or thinning areas on your head. The procedure usually takes four to eight hours and can be done with only local anesthesia.

Before the surgery you should visit your pharmacist to examine your medication record and ensure that all of your current medications will not interfere with your treatment. Your pharmacist may also have some involvement in the preparation and administration of your medication during your hair implant surgery.

During the procedure, your dermatologist will make tiny holes in your scalp. During a single hair transplant session, surgeons can replace hundreds or thousands of hairs. Once the procedure is complete, your doctor will cover your scalp with a bandage or gauze to protect the newly implanted hairs.

In addition to hair transplantation, you can also consider a scalp reduction. This procedure is ideal for bald sections on the top or back of your head that are surrounded by hair-bearing skin. In this procedure, your dermatologist will loosen nearby skin containing hair and pull it over the bald section, and then stitch it in place. Your dermatologist will use this technique in combination with hair transplantation to achieve full coverage.부산모발이식

A surgeon uses a tube-like instrument to punch round grafts from the dense area of the scalp called the donor site, and then moves these follicular units to the bald or thinning areas on your scalp.부산 탈모병원 추천 They might perform this procedure with an automatic machine or manually, depending on your doctor’s preference and the condition of your hair.

Unlike the large hair plugs of the past, today’s hair implants deliver natural-looking results because they are individual follicular units. These follicular units are usually placed closer together than the larger groups of hair in the hair plugs, so they blend more naturally into your existing hair.

Your surgeon might choose to perform a hair transplant in several sessions, which are typically scheduled about a month apart. This allows your body to heal between sessions so that your grafts will survive better. The American Society of Plastic Surgeons warns that some grafts might not “take” after a transplant, which means they will die and not grow new hair. During subsequent sessions, your doctor will fill in any areas where the hair is thin or patchy.

Some risks of a hair transplant include bleeding, infection and a scarring appearance. You should follow your doctor’s postprocedure instructions, including not swimming or washing your hair in the first days after surgery. You should also take pain medications as directed. After a few months, you should see new hair growth.