Hair transplantation is a surgical procedure that involves relocating healthy hair follicles from the back of your head to bald or thinning areas on the scalp. It is a safe and effective way to reverse hair loss and restore a full head of hair, which can give you a more youthful appearance and boost your confidence. There are many reasons why people seek hair restoration treatments. Some of the most common include:서면탈모모발이식

For many women, having a full head of hair is an important aspect of their self-image. It can make them feel attractive and confident, especially when it comes to social situations. The same goes for men, who often consider their hair as a sign of their strength and power. It can also have a psychological impact on people, making them feel more confident in their personal and professional lives.

The hair follicles that grow from transplanted grafts are genetically resistant to the effects of testosterone, so the results of your treatment will last for as long as you have hair. The hair that grows from these follicles will be thicker and darker than your natural hair, which gives you a more youthful look and enhances your overall self-image.

According to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons, some of the follicles that are transplanted may fail to “take.” These follicles will die and no new hair will grow in their place. To minimize this risk, it is important to follow your surgeon’s aftercare instructions carefully.

During the procedure, your doctor will numb the area to be treated with local anesthesia or a sedative. Then, he or she will create a strip of skin with hair follicles on the back of your head (the donor site). The surgeon may use a scalpel or, for FUE procedures, a punch tool to remove individual follicles from the scalp. The follicles will then be inserted into tiny cuts or slits in the bald or thin areas of your scalp (the recipient sites).

Once the transplanted hair follicles are inserted, they will begin to grow and develop hair. They will also shed, but you should not be alarmed by this. This shedding and regrowth is normal and is an indication that the follicles are taking root in their new home.

After the procedure, you will need to protect your grafts from external contact and resist the urge to scratch them, even though they may be itchy. Your doctor will provide you with aftercare tips and a spray to help you heal faster.

Hair transplantation is one of the most reliable and permanent solutions for hair loss. It is a great option for both men and women who want to restore their lost hair, making them look more youthful. Hair transplantation is a simple procedure that has proven to be effective for most people who undergo the surgery. The outcome of your hair transplant depends on how well you follow your surgeon’s aftercare instructions.청담모바로의원