Hair transplantation is a procedure that involves moving hair from the back of your head to areas where you are experiencing hair loss. This is a permanent solution that helps to restore fullness to your hair and can significantly increase your self-confidence. It can also improve your performance at work and help you feel more attractive. Many people who suffer from thinning hair or baldness report that they do not feel as good about themselves as they would if they had more natural looking hair. Hair transplantation allows you to replace these thinning or balding spots with healthy, natural-looking hair that blends in perfectly with your existing hair.서면모발이식

The surgery is performed in a doctor’s office, and local anesthesia will be used to numb the back of your head. Your surgeon will use one of two techniques: follicular unit strip surgery (FUSS) or follicular unit extraction (FUE). With FUSS, your doctor will remove a 6- to 10-inch strip of skin from the back of your head. They will then sew this area closed so that the scar is hidden by your hair. With FUE, your doctor will make tiny holes in your scalp and then extract individual hair follicles. They will then implant these follicles in the bald or thinning areas of your scalp. During a single treatment session, your doctor may transplant hundreds or even thousands of hairs.

Once your doctor has finished the transplant, they will cover the area with gauze or a bandage. Depending on the procedure, you might have to wear this for a few days. You will need to avoid vigorous activity for five to seven days and might experience some redness or swelling in the area. Pain or discomfort from the surgery can be controlled with over-the-counter pain medications.

When you are able to return home, you should follow your doctor’s instructions regarding postprocedure care for best results. They will likely recommend that you limit physical activity and wash your hair with mild shampoos or conditioners. They may also suggest that you apply a topical ointment to the treatment area to prevent infection and reduce inflammation. Your doctor might also recommend platelet-rich plasma treatments to help promote healing and boost your results.

Unlike other options, such as wigs and extensions, the results of a hair transplant will look incredibly natural because they are your own hair. The hair that has been transplanted comes from your own scalp, so it will blend seamlessly with the rest of your hair. It will also continue to grow normally, just like your original hair. The only downside is that it might take 12 to 18 months for your new hair to completely mature and give you the results you desire. However, these are minimal risks that should not affect the overall success of your procedure.부산탈모병원