shoulder plastic surgery

Shoulder Plastic Surgery

Shoulder plastic surgery is a procedure that replaces arthritic shoulder tissue with plastic or metal implants. Doctors recommend this surgery when shoulder pain and stiffness are severe, and when medicines and other treatments do not relieve pain or restore function. During shoulder replacement surgery, doctors remove the damaged top end of your upper arm bone (humerus) and replace it with a metal piece that has a rounded joint surface. They also replace the cup-shaped part of your shoulder bone that cradles your upper arm bone with a plastic socket piece. They may also use a longer metal piece to replace the bony roof over your shoulder joint (the acromion), if it is arthritic.어깨필러후기

A highly skilled surgeon can perform a shoulder replacement using minimally invasive techniques. During this technique, the surgeon makes small incisions to access the damaged tissues and repair them. The surgeon places the replacement parts through these incisions. The surgeon then stitches and closes the skin and muscles.

Most people who have shoulder replacement surgery are hospitalized for 2 to 3 days. When you arrive at the hospital, nurses will take your blood pressure, pulse and temperature, and give you medications to help you sleep and prevent pain or discomfort from the procedure. Nurses will then shave your armpit and put in an intravenous line for fluid, pain medicine and antibiotics. You will be transferred to the operating room on a cart.

During your shoulder replacement, the surgeon will use special tools to remove damaged tissue. Then they will place the plastic or metal implant in the shoulder socket (glenoid fossa). The surgeon will secure the replacement part to the bone with cement. Sometimes surgeons will not use a socket component, if the glenoid cartilage is in good shape and there are no torn rotator cuff tendons.

After the operation, most people can return to their normal activities within two months. However, they must avoid certain activities until the shoulder heals completely, such as climbing, lifting heavy objects and participating in sports with repetitive overhead motions. Your doctor will discuss with you when it is safe to resume these activities.

Complications from shoulder plastic surgery are rare, but they do occur. Some people can’t move their shoulder far enough after surgery, and this may happen if they resume activities too soon or the surgeon tries to force the shoulder to move farther than it can. Blood clots can also form in the veins of the arm or leg, and they can break off and travel to your lung, heart or brain. This can cause numbness, weakness and pain.

Other risks of shoulder replacement surgery include nerve damage and infection in the wound or deeper tissue. You can reduce your risk of complications by following your doctor’s instructions about care for the shoulder and wound, including physical therapy and taking medication as prescribed. Talk to your doctor about all of your questions and concerns.닥터케빈의원