AA is an autoimmune disease in which your body’s immune system attacks your hair follicles, resulting in loss of scalp and facial hair. The disorder can cause other areas of the body to also suffer from alopecia, but typically the head is affected.

There are several types of alopecia, including alopecia areata, alopecia universalis, and alopecia totalis. Each type of alopecia has its own symptoms and treatment. These treatments are aimed at stimulating the regrowth of the scalp and facial hair in alopecia areata patients. The condition is usually diagnosed by a dermatologist.

People with alopecia areata usually start losing their hair in small circular patches. These patches may be itchy, tingly, or have a burning sensation. The patches may expand to cover more of the scalp and face, or they may be completely bald. 부산탈모병원추천

Some people with alopecia areata experience other symptoms, such as nail changes. The nails may become broken or have tiny pits. These signs may be caused by an infection, a fungal or bacterial skin infection, burns, or other diseases. Occasionally, alopecia areata is accompanied by other conditions, such as depression, anxiety, and emotional distress. Some patients protect their hair and skin from the elements by wearing a covering, such as a hat or a scarf. Some may choose to wear a wig. In some cases, alopecia is a permanent condition that will never grow back.

Alopecia areata is caused by a combination of genetics and environmental factors. Scientists are not sure exactly how the disease begins. However, they suspect that environmental factors may trigger the immune response that leads to alopecia areata. These include certain drugs, certain medicines, and even a high fever. During a stressful event, such as a pregnancy or giving birth, a person’s immune system may be triggered to attack the body.

Alopecia areata is most common in non-Hispanic white people. Black and Hispanic people are also at risk for alopecia areata. The condition affects 147 million people worldwide. The incidence of alopecia areata in identical twins is 55%. Unlike other forms of alopecia, alopecia areata is not passed from parents to children. In some cases, the child will not have any symptom of the disorder. In others, the child will experience emotional distress and sadness. Alopecia areata can be very emotionally challenging, and many alopecia areata victims seek support from family members and doctors.

Generally, alopecia areata is considered to be a mild condition. In most cases, the patches will grow back within a few months. But it’s not uncommon for patches to get bigger and wider and to remain bald for years. Some alopecia areata patients have to be given medications to stimulate the follicles. They may have to take oral or injectable medications, or they may use other therapies. Some patients prefer to purchase a wig, which can be cut and styled according to individual needs. 부산모발이식

If you have alopecia areata, you can make lifestyle changes to help you manage the disease. These can include avoiding certain medicines, making sure to drink plenty of water, and eating a healthy diet. Alopecia areata can cause a lot of anxiety, and some people feel isolated and depressed. There are support groups available to help people with alopecia areata, and these groups can provide a sense of community.