tennis elbow therapy

Treatment For Tennis Elbow – Stretches, Splints and Exercises

Tennis elbow is an inflammation of the tendons that attach to the bony bump on the outside of your arm (lateral epicondyle). Over time, repeated arm movements cause these tendons to get fatigued and take more of the load than they can handle. This overuse can result in either a sudden injury or a long-term condition called tendinitis and tendinosis.

Usually, the condition develops gradually over weeks or months. However, it can also happen suddenly due to a forceful action (such as pulling on a lawnmower starter cord). This sudden damage occurs when the body cannot adapt quickly enough to withstand the forces of the activity.

Treatment for tennis elbow involves a series of physical therapy exercises to improve flexibility, strength and range of motion. This will allow the injured tendons to heal more completely and lessen pain.


There are many simple stretches that you can do at home that will help you to alleviate some of your pain and discomfort. Here are some of the most common:
Wrist Stretch #1 – Simply bend your elbow and hold your palms up with both hands. Gently pull your wrist back so that you feel a good stretch in your tendons and fingers. Do this 3-5 times for each hand.


Using a splint can provide relief from pain and swelling for several weeks. You can buy a cheap one from your local drugstore or supermarket. You can place it on your arm for about 20 minutes every 3 to 4 hours for 2 to 3 days or until the pain goes away. 테니스엘보치료

Light massages and muscle stimulators can also help ease some of the pain and tension in your forearm muscles. These treatments will also improve the blood flow to these muscles which can speed up the healing process and prevent a recurrence of the problem.


Your physiotherapist will develop an effective physical therapy program for you that will directly address the contributing factors that have caused your tennis elbow. These can include poor posture, weak or tight rotator cuff muscles and lack of muscle strength in your wrist and forearm.

When the physiotherapy program is complete, your therapist will teach you specific exercise and stretching techniques to reduce the strain on your forearm muscles and tendons. You can perform these exercises on your own or with the guidance of your physiotherapist.

Arthroscopic Techniques

In some cases, a specialized minimally invasive surgical procedure may be recommended to repair the damaged tendon and surrounding tissues. Your physiotherapist can refer you to a Penn orthopaedic surgeon who can perform these procedures through a small incision in the elbow area. These procedures are quick and usually done as an outpatient surgery.

FASTTM – Focused Aspiration of Scar Tissue

A special procedure that is available at Penn Orthopaedic Institute, this arthroscopic procedure can remove the scar tissue that forms in the tendons to improve your movement and reduce pain. The innovative FAST procedure is based on advanced technology developed by the Mayo Clinic. 두팔로정형외과