How to write a book report

There are a few different ways to structure a book report. These sections include Character introduction, Plot summary, Themes analysis, and Conclusion. The main problem can be personal, social, or moral, and can relate to life as we know it. The main character is likely to learn lessons and change as a result of the story. The author may also have an idea about society or life in general that they want to share through the story. 기업교육

Character introduction

When writing a book report, one of the most crucial parts is character introduction. The introduction should be focused on a specific aspect of the character, which will draw readers into the story and keep them reading. However, it’s important to avoid giving away too much information about the character, as this will turn off your readers. Instead, focus on a single trait, such as his or her personality, that will set the reader’s interest.

When writing a book report, avoid overusing quotes and citations. One quotation per paragraph is fine, but it should be no more than a couple of sentences. Ideally, your introduction will be a few sentences long, but it can be longer if you feel it’s appropriate. It’s also a good idea to give a brief plot summary, including the main events and how they affected the characters. You can also use quotations and examples to support your points.

While writing a book report, it’s important to read the book. It helps you understand the story, characters, and plot better. You may also want to take notes during your reading. Note down any significant events or quotes that occur throughout the book. 신입사원교육

Plot summary

A plot summary book report should be a clear and concise summary of the plot of a story. This section of a book report should describe how the story moves from the beginning to the end. In addition to the general storyline, a plot summary should include concrete examples of important events in the story. It’s important to strike a balance between being too descriptive and too brief.

Generally, the plot summary should be short, between three to six sentences long. It should include an overview of the story, a description of the characters, and the main idea or theme of the book. The ending of the story should also be included. If you need to write a longer summary, you can divide it into two or more paragraphs.

After the plot summary, you should include the main characters and how their story relates to the plot. You can then discuss the book’s themes and its resolution. You should also highlight the author’s expertise in the field.

Themes analysis

When it comes to analyzing themes, you can use several methods. The first is a systematic approach. You should select themes and write a detailed description of each one. This process will help you determine whether a certain theme is valid or not. Another option is to divide themes into different categories based on their significance.

The second method is more creative and involves using literary devices. Literary devices are important to a book’s theme, and they must be analyzed. Students must pay attention to how these devices add layers to the theme. For example, a writer may make multiple use of the same metaphor throughout the book. If this happens, students can ask questions about the use of these devices.

Next, analyze the theme’s effect on the story. Consider using examples to demonstrate your point. For example, in a book such as Roll of Thunder Hear My Cry, the theme is racial prejudice. By linking this theme with the novel’s setting, the reader will be more likely to remember the theme.


In the conclusion of a book report, the student should reflect on the overall significance of the book. The conclusion should address any lingering questions, provide a call to action, and point the reader to additional resources. The conclusion should also not introduce new content, but may contain excerpts from the book. The student should also ask himself or herself whether he or she would recommend the book to others.

The conclusion of a book report should include an extended summary of the book, as well as some of the writer’s own thoughts on the book. It should focus on the main idea and the key moments of the storyline, and should include examples of conflict or resolution. The writer should also use strong quotes from the book to bolster his or her argument.

In the Conclusion of a book report, the writer should link events in the text to symbolism, and comment on the author’s style. It should take up two-thirds of the report.