Bad breath treatment

Bad Breath Treatment

Bad breath treatment starts with identifying the source of the odor. This requires a detailed history of your oral hygiene routine, what you eat and drink (including alcohol), any health problems you have and the medications you take. Your dentist will ask about these issues, and may gently sniff your breath to evaluate it for a telltale aroma. Some people are more prone to bad breath than others. The most common cause is poor oral hygiene, including not brushing and flossing enough or often enough. A dry mouth, or xerostomia, can also contribute to halitosis by reducing saliva flow. Saliva is a natural bacteria-fighting substance that helps to clean teeth and remove odor-causing food particles from the mouth. Bad breath is also more likely to occur if you smoke or chew tobacco-based products, and can be caused by certain foods, such as onions and garlic.입냄새치료병원

If gum disease is the culprit, a dental cleaning and a periodontal (gum) exam will remove the bacteria, plaque, and calculus – or tartar – that causes the infection. The gums may need to be treated with antibiotics if the problem is advanced.

Changing your diet can help to eliminate odor-causing foods. Avoiding onions and garlic is a good start, as well as sugary candies and coffee. Adding more fruits and vegetables to your meals can also freshen the breath. Having regular dental appointments is important too, as a build-up of odor-causing plaque and calculus can only be removed with a professional cleaning.

In some cases, bad breath is the result of an underlying medical condition, such as a gastrointestinal disorder, respiratory infection, or diabetes. Certain metabolic diseases, such as liver failure, can also produce unpleasant breath odors. People who suffer from ketoacidosis – a condition that occurs when insulin levels are too low – can have bad breath that smells like fruity pee or acetone.

Some drugs, such as nitrates used to treat angina, can reduce saliva and create foul-smelling odors in the mouth. Some dietary supplements and some prescription medications can also produce unpleasant or even toxic odors when they break down in the body. Finally, some people can have psychosomatic halitosis, which is triggered by negative self-thoughts about their breath. Psychological therapy can often help these individuals overcome this condition.해우소한의원